Monday, December 12, 2011

Just What I Needed!

I'll be honest, I've never read a Max Lucado book to completion.  Not sure why -- Mabye I've been too busy trying to "learn" and his books are not real heady.  I'll tell you something though, I absolutely did learn something though from reading this book cover to cover AND it was absolutely what I needed.

Pick up this book and you won't want to put it down, because somehow Max finds a way to Make God's Story Our Story both interesting and shall we say educational. and BTW I am feeling pretty grateful for the lack of heady-ness in his writting for this read.

Through this book I wash truthfully and lovingly reminded that there is meaning in our stories; yes even those difficult short stories in our lives that we would rather not talk about-- or perhaps we are going through them right now. From our perspective it often feels like we are in the middle of chaos and confusion.  This Chaos might make us afraid, but God has a storyline for our lives and He is at work divinely orchestrating all of the pieces together for us in His master story of redemption.

As I was reading this book, there were so many moments where I resoundingly thought in the core of my heart; wow that's really the truth that I needed to hear.  At the very same time Max's writting was loving, gentle, and full of some beautiful methaphors- that my heart was ready to accept truth. I felt as if one of my good friends was sharing truth in love with me.

I am grateful as always for a good read, but even more so grateful for my Father who guides and and leads us in His truth!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Name Change

If you follow my blog, you may have noticed that I have not posted for a long time.  It didn't forget or fall by the wayside, I simply chose not to write - publically that is.  And yes I have changed the name on the blog . . . same address for now . . . just a new name . . . read on.

Adam and I have gone through a number of changes in the last several months and in fact we still are. It's been a difficult season, but we have seen the Lord carry us and provide for us in new and beautiful ways.

Here are a few pieces of our story. Adam and I moved to Central, PA-- Sunbury a year and a half ago to to start a new life here. He took a position at a local church here. We fully believe that as we sought the Lord in that process through prayer, conversation with each other, and conversation with our community that God led us here.  We thought at that time that the season would be for more than a year, but not every book you open is as what it seems.   

The season at that church ended just about three months ago now.  We have seen the Lord multiply our financial resources, give us a new place of true worship, and bring new friends around us that really want to get after serving Christ.  I honestly feel very grateful, yet this is so not the path I would have chosen.

I have watched my husband lead our family and remain open the the Lord's hand in our life.  This is such a gift to me as I often want to take control, manipulate the variables, and "make things work".  This season is teaching me to remain patient, do what I can do for today, and then rest-- call it a day and enjoy what God has placed around us.

It's in this time that I have grown even more in my heart an understanding of the love that my father has for me and my family.  Things are messy and imperfect right now, but I'm learning to accept the imperfect because of my perfect Savior.

We are also not waiting for things to "work out" to get connected or to get plugged in with others or to serve others for the sake of Christ.  I think my natural tendency is to want to do so, but becaues of our love for Christ we are going to love others even in our time of need.

So this is my update on us the Scheidegger's . . . now called the Scheidegger Sitch

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Challenge if you Dare . . .

I've been a blogger without blogs, but I have been writing a few different things!  I am just about to finish up my essay for the Real Simple Essay Contest.

If you want to enter too:  just click here:

I'd post the essay, but I'm afraid that might make me ineligible.  So for now I'll keep lid closed tight, but you should enter to if you dare!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sugar Cookie Recipe

I posted about my sugar cookies around Christmas, but I have had a few friends asking for the recipe so I thought I just post it on here!

I just made some cookies, b/c my number one sugar cookie customer is coming into town, my brother! I am expecting them to arrive todaty! I can hardly wait. 

I made sugar cookie flowers this time around, take a look:

Half of the cookies look exactly like this . . .  White daisies with yellow trim.

And the other half look like this pink tulips, with green trim!
Here is the recipe!!

Sugar Cookies- Thick Cut Outs!!!!

6 egg yolks
4 eggs
2 cups butter softened
2 1/8 cups white flour
1 T. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
1 1/2 t. vanilla

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time mixing well.  Add vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt; stir into the sugar mixture. Cover dough and chill at least one hour.  

Preaheat the oven to 375 degrees. Grease cooke sheets. On a floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/2 inch thick and cut into desired shaped using cookie cutters. Place 2 inches apart on to the prepared pans.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.  Allow to cool on sheets for 5 mintues before placing on wire cooling rack.  

Royal Frosting

3 Egg whites room temperature
1 lb powdered sugar sifted, about 4 3/4 cups
1 t. vanilla
1/2 t. cream of tartar
food coloring as desired

Combine all ingredients in small deep bowl.  Beat with electric mixer until frosting is stiff.  Divide and color.  Keep frosting covered with damp cloth when not using, b/c it will harden. Now have fun and get creative!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Anniversary Two Today!

Today, we begin year three of our marriage, I can hardly believe how fast time zips by! It seems like just yesterday I was putting on my pearls and gown and getting all nervous to walk down that aisle.

Our two years have been filled with everything but NORMALCY and for that I'm glad. :)  Above is a picture of Adam's anniversary gifts. This is a tradition I started last year.  You wrap a gift that starts with the letter of each letter of the word for the number of year that you are married.  What do you think is inside??  hmm??  Here's a picture of what it looked like last year!

And this is why I love my husband:
  • He keeps life fun and entertaining
  • Because of him there is always music in our home, either from a stereo or coming from Adam the beat box himself
  • His commitment to unity in relationships with others wows me
  • He's darling, cute, handsome . . .
  • His desire to find common ground 
  • The way he is so relational 
  • He prioritizes our marriage
  • He's funny and makes me laugh
  • He is CONTINUALLY learning and growing in the Lord
  • He listens to the Lord and is patient
  • He shows me my faults and helps me grow
  • He shows me where I'm doing well
  • He takes care of all the tech needs we have
I love you Adam Scheidegger!  Happy Anniversary!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pioneer Woman's Slightly Adjusted Taco Pizza

So today we ate Linner or Dunch. . .  which means we filled our bellies full around 4:30.  I have been so excited to try Pioneer Woman's Taco Pizza.  That she posted a few weeks ago. I finally got around to getting the stuff at the store and I whipped it up this afternoon. It was so tasty.

Adam asked?   What kind of meet is on this "taco pizza"?  I responded . . . "there is no meat". He was like then "how can it be taco". Men!!  However, once he tasted it he was sold.

I give all royalties to The Pioneer Woman, but I switched it up just a little bit.  I used a Pilsbury crust instead of making my own, I added black olives for the yum factor, and because husband loves it I used Chipotle Tobasco for the Hot Sauce.  This was so good, and perfect on a hot day with the cool crispness of the saladish topping.  Here is the  recipe.

Here's a picture of the finished product:

Here's Adam's Piece just before he devoured it!
It's great paired with a Big Ben's Root Beer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Are you looking for a devotional or study?

I wanted to share today about a devotional book that I have been working my way through.  It is called Jesus 90 Days with the One and Only, and the author is Beth Moore.  It's a great resource.  Each day you read a passage and work your way through her interactive material as well.

Beth's book is so well written and helps you as the reader to both learn academically about our Savior, and to also connect your heart to Him as you work through this on a daily basis.  I can't tell you how many days the Lord, had certain stories just perfectly planned out for me as I went through this. I feel like the Lord has given me such much direction from His life. Also, the stories of Christ continually remind me of the aim of the Christian life.  Often we mutter Christianity with "extras", but reading through the gospels brings it back to the core.

It's been really fun, because we just finished going through the book of Luke with our youth and I've also been  listening to Todd Wagner from Watermark on the book of John. It's been so fun to see a lot of dots connect as I am learning about Christ.  I feel very thankful.

Here is a picture of the book, I found my used and cheap, with no writing in it!  It was dedicated For Becky from Mother in December of 2008, Ha ha. I just rededicated it like this:  To Kim From the Giver of Peace and Wisdom. 2011